Walls Not Solid? Dragged Character Passes Through Wall Actors

I'm experiencing a problem with collisions when dragging an actor around; the actor will stutter through the walls or just move through them.

I have collide behaviors in both the dragged actor and the wall actor, and the dragged actor is setup to interpolate its X and Y to the mouses X and Y every .06 seconds. Any ideas on what is causing this or if there is a way to set up this functionality differently?


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    Interpolate is not part of the physics system (it simply changes one set of numbers to another), actors need to be within the physics system to detect a collision.

  • rainwaterstudiosrainwaterstudios Member Posts: 198

    Okay, I understand that now; I changed the timer to 'change attribute' for X and Y every .03 seconds, but am still having the stuttering and moving through walls problem...

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited March 2017

    When Mouse Button is Down
    --Constrain Linear velocity X to 5*(Mouse.X -self.X)
    --Constrain Linear velocity Y to 5*(Mouse.Y-self.Y)
    --Change Linear velocity X to 0
    --Change Linear velocity Y to 0

    . . . . . . .

    And here's the same thing if you want to include Rotation:

    When Mouse Button is Down
    --Constrain Linear velocity X to 5*(Mouse.X -self.X)
    --Constrain Linear velocity Y to 5*(Mouse.Y-self.Y)
    --Constrain Rotation to vectorToAngle(Linear velocity.X,Linear Velocity.Y )
    --Change Linear velocity X to 0
    --Change Linear velocity Y to 0

    . . . . . . .

    Adjust bounciness and friction (for both actors) to tune the collision behaviour.
    Adjust the '5' value to tune tracking.

  • rainwaterstudiosrainwaterstudios Member Posts: 198

    Thanks, that seems to do the trick! :smile:

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    Check out my video series on the gamesalad physics engine.

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