iPhone 7 performance issues
I'm in (what I thought was) the final testing stages of a new app.
Runs very smoothly now on an old iPad from 2011 - on a couple of old iPhone 5s, and brand new iPad mini 4.
Just discovered though that on an iPhone 7 there seems to be significant frame drops, so actors that are normally spawning in sync to a background music track gradually start lagging more and more until the level becomes unplayable.
I'd assumed that if I could get everything running smoothly on older devices, it would run perfectly on newer ones... so quite baffling and not sure how to go forward.
Has anyone else come across anything like this before?
That's really strange.
I'd recommend you get in touch with the GS team. You can use the blue chat button in the bottom right corner of the Forums.
If you are able to send them the project, they might do some in-depth testing.
got no iphone 7 yet
My Apps
Would be interesting to hear someone else with an iPhone 7 on the matter. I don't have one so I can't comment but if this happens on every 7 publishing right now is kinda impossible if you want your game to be featured.
I have a 7 plus. Haven't see anything similar, so far.
@pHghost That's good to hear. I'm going to do some testing tomorrow on a different iPhone 7 to see if the same thing happens or if it was just a one off.
I have a 7 and my apps are running fine so far. Also testing in the GS Viewer is running well too..