A Minning/crystal gathering mini game

BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239
edited April 2017 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi again its me, BigDave.

For the Orcs game another Mini-game is needed.

In the Crystal Mines you could gather a couple of crystals through quests.
But players will need more to forge their weapon upgrades.

There are 3 types of Crystals (colours):

-Purple (common)
-Blue (rare)
-Yellow (epic)

Down in the Crystal Mines. This is the start screen where the current amount of each crystal is shown.

+Gather the crystals

Design outlines of the Mini-game:
+It gets harder/difficult the longer you play in one shot
+Get more and more valuable crystals as the difficulty rises
+Losing/failing does reset the flow level, resets difficulty and reward rate

How would you imagine such a mini game?
Any references that come to your mind?


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