Which Icon do you prefer?
Hey guys, we are trying to figure out which icon to go with, what do you think would stand out the most and get the most clicks?
Hey guys, we are trying to figure out which icon to go with, what do you think would stand out the most and get the most clicks?
The man's face caught my attention right away, even though I like the concept of the space cow a lot. I think it tells more of a story.
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The space cow is cool and the dark bg stands out, but it also almost implies that he's either the main character or the main boss neither which are the case, so I vote for the Man's Face one. I think the Man's Face tells the better story overall. Maybe experiment with a border?
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As it stands, the "man's face and aliens" is more eye catching. And it is a great icon, yet I would also love to see the "space cow". The cow icon in its current form just does not read, even though we are already familiar with its concept. Maybe some redrawing/scaling, specifically for the icon resolution, may improve it. It would definitely be the more intriguing and novel icon.
Also, is it just me or does the "man's face and aliens" icon almost communicate "quiz game"?
Another interesting concept could be something along the lines of this
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Man's Face and Aliens = instantly eye catching.
Thats my only fear with that one, though I do agree its more attention grabbing. Looks like it could be an action or a puzzle game or anything really.
Maybe instead of the guys face, you have an image of his back turned with his gun aimed at the aliens?
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Aliens. BTW the man's face looks upside down to me.
I couldn't tell what the first picture was. Even after reading that it's a cow, I have a hard time seeing it.
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@RossmanBrothersGames Don't be offended guys, but I couldn't arrive at a cow either.
To me it looks like a tan and white boa constrictor eating a monkey while it crushes a pig below for its next serve.
Agreed. The cow is difficult to see.
Man's Face and Aliens is more clear
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I want to like the cow more because it seems like a really cool character in the game, but the man and aliens is more clear and easy to make out what it is.
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The cow is hard to decipher and I imagine it'll be even harder when scaled down to actual icon size. People are naturally drawn to faces and the aliens, whilst a little hard to make out when small is still more attention grabbing than the cow.
Enough for me to click on to the app page and see the amazing trailer, screenshots and description you'll no doubt produce.
Thanks everyone! Haha I guess the cow without the animations and mooing sound effects in the game is a little crazy to make out from a single frame. Anyway, thanks for all the input, really helpful.