Change Scene Not Working
I have a very basic thing set up right now. It plays an image/intro for 3 seconds, then enters the Menu. I'm trying to make it so hitting Play goes to the next scene, which would be the Game. I'm doing it exactly how tutorials are telling me, but it keeps going to the next scene automatically, without clicking anything. Why is this happening?
Your code is set up in such a way that when you enter the Menu the next scene is triggered.
Do you have a screenshot of how your rule is set up?
I have absolutely no idea what you guys are talking about. I followed 4 different tutorials. They all did the same exact thing, and theirs works. Mine doesn't. It automatically switches.
is your rule "when touch released change scene"? If so, from what I've experienced, the touch release rule will activate even when you have conditions in place telling it not to. That's why I use "press" instead for many actors
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What do you mean Press..? There is nothing like that in here, and I am NOT buying a full version.
Saying that if you have a rule for your Play button that says "When touch released", try changing it to "When touch pressed" instead
If this doesn't work, please post a screenshot of your code for your Play button actor.
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There is no "Actor receives event"... It's simply on a timer and change scene.
If your change scene is on a timer then that's probably the issue, difficult to help without a screenshot of your code though
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There are hundreds of tutorials, no one knows which tutorial you are referring as you've not said, nor does anyone know which part of which tutorial is causing the issues, no one knows what rules and behaviours and attributes and conditions (etc etc) you are using . . . that's why people are guessing things like "maybe you are using a timer" - "maybe you are using When touch released" . . . ?
If you don't show people the code you are using then all they can do is guess what you are looking at on the screen in front of you, and having people guess like this is the single slowest way to resolve an issue !
If you want people to help you, stop acting like a smarta*s.
You followed 4 tutorials? You probably followed them wrong. Or you connected the various bits from each one wrong.
If you send us a screenshot of your logic, someone can help. If you want us just to imagine what you put there, good luck.
If you want a BUTTON to switch the scene, how can you expect a TIMER going to solve anything?
Nobody asked you to buy PRO and you don't need to have PRO to do this. You just need to help us to help you, try and cooperate.