Privacy Policy
So coming up with a privacy policy is simple enough there's no end of free resources out there for that but what about where to keep it...?
where do you guys keep your policy? is there somewhere you can put it without having to open and pay for a website?
I have a domain name for my app if that helps
I thought Apple required a Support site?
Maybe on a Facebook page?
Yea i was wondering if a facebook page with the policy pasted on it would cut it
I don't see why not. But I'm not exactly sure of their policy. I've clicked on website link on store and found Facebook pages. .....
I'm afraid I think not.
Just create a one page website in Wordpress with a three part menu that anchors to three sections beneath: Apps, About Us and Privacy Policy. When you release more apps just keep adding them at the top. You can use the same URL for all your apps in ITunes Connect.
In About Us add your email address with a note: For Support or Enquiries "". That will satisfy Apple... and Google for that matter.
You should be able to get web hosting for a site that simple for around US$50, maybe less.
Free hosting sites usually have strings attached, like transferring your domain name to them, or worse still you might not be able to move the site to a different hosting provider in future if you need/want to do so.
@PhilipCC Ok thanks man that's great i'll definitely do that. What about sites like WIX from memory i think you can open a free page on there and add your own domain... i'll look into it
there was a thread about it
thats my version so far it worked out with this, I hose it via wordpress
My Apps
WIX is one of the hosting providers that some of our clients have had problems with and so I would avoid. They have come to us with a WIX site that either they or someone has built for them and needed to expand it with features that WIX does not support, but were unable to transfer it to us or another hosting service. So they have abandoned it and their domain name and had us build one for them in Dreamweaver, PHP or Wordpress. (Wordpress if they wanted to maintain it themselves.)
Aside of trying to commandeer your domain name, down the track their sideline charges for adding functionality or other features to the site end up surpassing those of other hosting providers. Wordpress also has more free templates, free plugins, users, developers, instructional videos and you can host your Wordpress site anywhere you please.
@BigDave 's suggestion sounds worth pursuing.
Yes my website is 50$ a year. Includes a web builder. So pretty easy.