Newbie in everything game making
Hey everyone, I'm Indra, new here.
This is my first post. I'm almost 40 and just starting to learn how to make games. Currently a basic subscriber, maybe one day when I'm ready to publish I will go pro. I hope I can learn from everybody in this forum.
Welcome. A lot good developers around here are over 40. Remember this is all fun and you will be fine.
Age gives you a lot of experiences to draw from, thick skin, and determination.
Watch a lot of video tutorials. Even if you dont understand everything it does help.
Have fun..
@Toque thank you for the warm welcome and encouragement!
Good luck and have fun! you're in the right place, there's lots of help to be found in the forums. And no worries about your age, I'm 50. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Trust @Toque on the age thing. I myself is 44, and have much fun with GS.
When you have watched a lot of videos, check out this thread started by @Socks :
A lot of examples to download and dismantle that will help you understand all the nifty things GS can do.
Best of luck!
There should be a seniors discount for GS!
Seniors mode for GS? Large font size and mush up the code so we can use it.
Thank you @jamie_c @johnnymagne @Toque! I just released a simple pitch pipe app on the Play Store using Gamesalad. I've never been so proud of myself haha, thank you Gamesalad! Pitch Pipe Free