Mute On/Off button help
So first time posting and still learning the kinks on the software. I created a mute button, the button mutes the music but the starts the game. The game we are creating is a flappy bird type of game, so when you press the screen the game starts. Now if someone wanted to mute the music, they would press the mute button but I don't want the game to start.
How can we create the button without it colliding with the other actions.
thank you
Most people make a separate mute button and play button........
You could make the play button so it doesn't overly the play button..
I don't know how overlapping buttons could work without triggering both.
You can create a boolean game attribute , call it mute
in your mute button
if touch is pressed
pause music
change attribute game.mute to true
change attribute game.mute to false
on the screen touch rule to change scene add if game.mute is false , and mouse button is down - change scene
Good stuff IceBox. But........
Turning the mute off? Or Unpausing?
You can only play game if mute is false?
Perhaps this example will be useful:
Yes so i got it work, if it's pressed it mutes the music, if pressed again it plays the music. The issue is I want to press the mute button without it starting the game or while I'm playing the game, since the way the game starts is by pressing the screen. I hope I am making sense lol
Basically make the button not trigger any other actions but its own action which is to mute/play music
This is how I would do it.......I would use two buttons. button
Attached is an even simpler 1 button way to do it . . .
Touch outside. Duh......
Check and mate. Well played.
thanks for all the help dudes