another reason why gamesalad sucks
Trying to publish an app to share with kids at school. Hours of programming and learning the ins and outs of gamesalad. Finally, the app is ready. Preview works great, but the arcade is full of bugs! OK, publish to other formats. Publish to android. Follow really detailed instructions, until I get to the instructions about generate APK: you can only use MAC! Who suspects that publishing to Android REQUIRES a publisher to have a Mac? NONE OF THIS is advertised ahead of time! This leads me to one inescapable conclusion: GAMESALAD FING SUCKS!
You dont need a mac to publish android apk , ... i dont get why you cant publish
i think game salads pretty awesome, but yes, there are a few issue that hold it back. i'm a mac user, so can't really help you with your problem.
You don't need a Mac for Android. Are you sure you're following the right instructions. There are 2 Cookbooks, one for Mac and one for Windows. I work on windows machines to all my GS work and publish just fine. My actual problem is Mac! But I'm using a virual machine for that.
Your comment about the arcade is valid. Some bugs should of been fixed years ago......
Publishing is complicated on Apple and googles end. GS has no control of that.
Indie game development is challenging and frustrating. Doesn't matter what engine you use.
Yes GS own arcade doesn't work very well. That's a head scratcher.
Venting is allowed. Throwing the engine and everyone under the bus probably not the best way to resolve your issues.
You also don't mention whether you've contacted Support for help. If not, click the blue chat button at the bottom-right of the forums page.
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@xotty9999 Okay we get it, your frustrated.
However, if you come to this forum with that kind of venom you are going to cop more flack from the members than help.
BTW, there is somefing funny about your last remark. I think you missed an apostrophe: f'ing.
You can also port to Android for testing and showcasing by using the GS Viewer. Super simple and takes maybe 5 mins the first time around.
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Yes. Viewer would be the easiest. Download the app from the store. Run game on viewer. Done.
Android publishing is where he was struggling.
Guessing that running into problems with the arcade initially left a bad taste........
Can't blame him for being upset for that.
I actually marvel at how impressive GS can be - even after 5 years using the engine. I find there are few things that can't be done with some creative workarounds. There have been plenty of times when I've been frustrated and ready to blame GS but it almost always turns out that there's something wrong with my logic or I'm able to find another solution. As others have mentioned I doubt there's such thing as frustration-free development. And that would take away half the fun
The issues you are having with publishing to "arcade" are known html5 issues that do have work arounds..
"Known"? It's not posted anywhere. Not posted on website? Better to have new users struggle and get frustrated and quit.