behaviors of a copy-paste scene don't work

keekee312keekee312 Member Posts: 91
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi, I just copied the main scene of my game to make different levels (I also copied the main actor Spawner to change actors' behaviors in levels) but there is a problem !

For instance : in level 1 (main scene), Spawner1 spawns actors well and everything is running well.
But in level 2( copy of main scene), Spawner2 which is a copy of Spawner1 (and other actors) don't follow rules very well while they are the same than before, I made many tests but I still don't understand :(

Thanks for help.

Thank you for help


  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    You have to be really careful when you copy and paste. Some, or actually many, behavior settings disappear. You should open up and examine all the settings in your Spawner2 actor. I'll bet you will find some just need to be reset.

    Hope it is that simple to fix. Good luck.


    HOLY NOSE JOB!: Nesen Probe: Is this the single most unappealing game in the history of GameSalad? I can't seem to give it away! Anywhere. But if anyone want's to try it out, codes are still available near the end of the thread!
  • keekee312keekee312 Member Posts: 91
    design219 said:
    You have to be really careful when you copy and paste. Some, or actually many, behavior settings disappear. You should open up and examine all the settings in your Spawner2 actor. I'll bet you will find some just need to be reset.

    Hope it is that simple to fix. Good luck.

    Thank you for your answer but I can't fix it. In fact, When I copy and paste the Spawner actor to make a copy, it is the same (same behavior settings) but when I preview the game, Spawner actor works well but actors which are spawn (let's say A, B and C) can't be destroyed (there are no copies of A, B or C (just the originals) so their rules are exactly the same than before but it doesn't work, I really don't know why :s

    I'll try to make copies on my own without copy and paste to see where's the problem...
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    How are you destroying actors A, B and C?
  • keekee312keekee312 Member Posts: 91
    design219 said:
    How are you destroying actors A, B and C?

    I didn't read well the question so I re-write it.
    I have an invisible actor called SPAWNER which aim is to spawn actor at random location thanks to a timer (like every 1sec, change Game.RandomNumber to random(1,5)
    If 1 = spawn square 1 etc)
    Because i need different behaviors for levels, I copied the original SPAWNER actor and called it Spawner LVL2 and put it in the scene 2 (copy of scene 1)

    Each square has rules : when touched by the tongue, stop moving then get destroyed

    And the tongue has complicated rules but when you touch somewhere on the screen, the character spits out the tongue from its mouth to where you touched (so when you touch a square, it destroys it, I mean it used to destroy it ^^)

    Hope it will help you to help me :)
  • keekee312keekee312 Member Posts: 91
    Weird !!! When I copy a scene, the new scene works. But when I copy the spawner actor (so there are the same rules, I saw it) and put it instead of the original Spawner actor it doesn't work anymore, and if I put back the original spawner actor, it doesn't work :s very strange isn't it ?
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