Question about Android Screen Sizes
Ill keep it short and simple: About 88% of people in the world have Android. My game is kind of popular and I want to publish it on Google Play.
It is designed for the iPhone 6+. What would be the best way to make sure that it is compatible with most Android phones?
Also, do I want to use letterbox, overscan, stretch?
Going from iPhone 6+ to Android, you're probably going to want to use Stretch. Most Android devices are more widescreen than iPhones, and so you're probably going to be better off adding a bit of screen to the top and bottom than you are cutting off the sides (as will happen in Overscan mode).
However, it's impossible to say without seeing your game.
A good place to start would be to watch my video. It focuses on iPad > iPhone, but the same principles apply when going iPhone > Android.
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