How to get a threshold of an area to not create a new pivot point when clicking. Thanks !
Hi guys,
I tried to slow down the speed of my rotation when I click and hold. The problem is that when I click, it creates a new pivot point for my rotation. I want if the user click in a range area near the point that it has already done, it doesn't change the pivot's position but only slowdown the rotation speed.
Can we have a range or threshold around the existant click that does not allow to change pivot and thus slow down my rotation?
Here's an exemple !
Thanks for your time !
Use magnitude to detect the distance from the pivot point.
When mouse button is down
--if magnitude ( pivot point x - mouse x, pivot point y - mouse y ) is less than X
----then slow down
--Otherwise move the pivot point to this new position
Thanks for your time !
I have a hard time to create what you are saying in graph. Lack of knowledge :-(
Can you explain which node I need to use for that ?
Thanks !