What is wrong with my final resolution in gamesalad? Looks nothing the way i built it
Ive been stuck for the past week trying to figure this, universal builds etc etc.
Anyone got any tips on how to fix this or know why its happening?
Basically whatever i make in gamesalad, looks incredibly squashed and messed up, the resolution doesnt take in the full scope of the game, ive tried multiple builds doing multiple resolutions still to no avail, maybe i messed up some code somewhere, heck i signed up without confirming my account to buy the pro version i was just exited to use this software.
But yeah basically the aspect ratios for all my games look like this squashed and ugly.
And one more thing is the HTML5 preview button is barred out?
I cant use it ?
Please watch this video of me explaining it with an image running on the samsung galaxy tab.
I don't have experience with Android testing yet (although, hold your horses, I just bought my kids Samsung Galaxy phones so maybe soon...) but I'm sure someone here can help you out. It would probably help to post the zipped project file.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Is this an HTML5 app that's packaged or a Native android app?
Its a native android app, straight from the project files, devd for android.
This example was a test file, ive tried it on actual games i had planned to publish however they all end up looking similiar to that ive had some alright luck with this tutorial
however it was only the top bar that showered up the bottom the background didnt even appear.
Which platform did you start developing with?
@therealburste123 could you write into the CS channel (the little blue chat box on the bottom right). Reference this thread and send a link to your portfolio project page (the page you see after you "publish"). Once we work it out, we can post the solution back here. I'm hoping it's just a simple publishing settings tweak.
Does PC version of Gamesalad support stretch now? also android can be picky you can try changing camSize game.Screen.Size.Height * 568/game.Screen.Size.Width to (game.Screen.Size.Height * 568)/game.Screen.Size.Width
Thanks adent42 ive sent the message to the CS channel.
Referencing the thread and my projects.
Ok this is really weird now nothing comes on the screen
@icebox for android im on windows 10
@bbenk still to no avail that doesnt seem to work
you guys think this could be a computer issue or registration issue?
im seeking all options
I just realized you said you made game in portrait in video but Universal Build video which I made is for landscape.
heres a file for portrait so you can see how to make it work. also this was made if you started with iPhone5 you said you started with iPhone6 so 568 need to change also 320.
iPhone6 change 568 to 667 and 320 to 375.
iPhone6 plus change 568 to 736 and 320 to 414.
excuse my language BBENK but r u a miracle worker by any chance?
it flipping worked....WELL FOR THE MOST PART IT DID ANYWAY the red circles are slightly VERY SLIGHTLY CHOPPED and the lives at the aswell as the pause menu are slightly chopped but in a way that the user would not think twice
JEEZ DUDE genius my man genius?
could we possibly arrange a skype call to work out the kinks so you could better teach me how you did it? obviously not today in a few days from now or maybe just go over it in a PM?
man my mind is blown dude THANK YOU
Hi guys could we also keep this thread open for a bit longer, id like to make a video of me using BBenks instruction set, just incase i get anything wrong ill video me doing it and youtube it, so if there is any errors you guys can correct it thanks, but so far so good.
Im quite happy with gamesalad right now.
check game.Offset it you may still have it set at -568 it need to change also and that should fix your kinks.
Thanks man everything seems to work so far, the main game works, the end menu works.
However you see the original menu screen works, however once you die in the game, and go back to the main menu, the main menu is cut of on the right size, only the left side remains?
Any experience on why this is happening?
Thanks for your help guys, it works now all of it figured out the issue i didnt have the camsize on the last scene, all works perfectly!
Hi again BBenk
Quick question would you be able to give me a template for landscape view on iphone 5?
Ive managed to understand how it worked and then i created a note of it, so when ever i make a game i just use what youve taught me.
Quick question though can you do me a landscape view? Is there much of a change in landscape view? Im struggling to get the aspect ratio correct when in landscape mode, ive realized you made the template for portrait thanks for that, however when i try to play around with the settings in landscape its pretty bad, ive changed the x cord to y, but yeah its been pretty hard.
If you could link me to another template file you did that would be great man.
Youve been a massive help.

Thanks again BBENK
I tried your universal iphone 5 build again and it works
However the game aspect ratio doesnt fill the whole screen, it fills the major part of the device but not the whole screen? why is this?
Would you still be able to whip up a landscape build like you did for the portrait template?
great and heres the thread for above video with D/L for template in landscape.
Man you really thought about before hand nice work.
But unfortunaltey when i click the link in the specified thread i get a 404 file not found error?