Can i flip Horizonatal actor Detect with mouse position :D
Maybe i am me
Member Posts: 25
Cuz my game Actor is Tap to move but i can't flip actor when it move Left or Right
What do you mean by Tap to move? Do you move by dragging, touching a specific part of the actor, or touching outside the actor (i.e. if you touch to the right of the actor it moves right, if you touch the left of the actor it moves left)
I don't think you can flip an actor...
However, you could set it up with 2 actors, one left facing and the other right facing; when changing direction you would have the actor spawn the opposite-facing actor and destroy itself.
....or do you mean you want to flip it by setting the image flipped? - there's an actor attribute for that, to easily flip the image used, either for horizontal, vertical, or both?
Does that flip the collision shape also?
That's a good point - I'm not sure, but I think you're right, in which case the spawning solution is definitely needed, if custom coliders are being used....