Statistics Update
So Orcs is 2 years old now and I still live of it. How ever 2017 started bad.
Even tough I start selling up to 50% more in-apps the last 6 months.
The cpm for both chartboost and admob seemed to be low in the early year.
And now were cpm recovered and in-apps sell well the installs decline.
So I made this statistic for myself to see whats going on exactly. (too make the statements above)
It might be interesting for you guys just to get a feel of how much installs make how much money etc.
Note that around 10% of the installs are direct uninstalls because the game doesn't run on their android device / or system
@BigDave Is the Revenue in US$ or Euros? I assume you have a bunch of other games contributing to your overall revenue because it would be pretty hard to live off those monthly amounts? I guess you mean Orcs is the biggest contributor? Food for thought, thanks.
its euro
But still hard now I might fail this year.
Late 2015 was the best time with 2000 Euro a month (orcs)
2016 was still ok. 1400 roughly
but 2017 is a killer now..
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I listed a couple of key update points that could have effected the play duration of players.
Version 7.75 (Mar 23, 2017)
+Massive Balancing changes related to quest prices and boss Hp’s
Version 7.7 (Mar 22, 2017)
+Offline/Online Check after quest 7 added
Version 6.2 (Nov 07, 2016)
+After quest 9 internet is required to play, or having the golden axe will enable you to play offline.
But as for the offline online check i would anyways not have got money from offline players. But maybe if they would be temp. offline and came online again without having a frustration moment of not being able to play offline was still a better version.
Quest pricing were increased the grinding periods between new elements increased maybe i lose too many users there.
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Another thing is might need to show more ads
if i compare this guys boot ups vs ad impressions ratio I am way below with my ad impressions

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Shame to see revenue drop off - but it's still great that a 2 year old game is still bringing in some money for you!
I've just created a series of idle-clicker games (in part inspired by your success with Orcs!). They seem to be performing fairly well - so maybe you should look at creating new clicker games with popular current themes... a Fidget Spinner Clicker for example (if it doesn't already exist).
Another thing I do to help my games gain traction when first released is to setup a cross-promotion campaign in Chartboost and heavily push my new game through ads in my other games. This has worked quite well for me, but you sacrifice your ad earnings for the duration of the campaign.
@DigiChain Is it free to do cross-promotion campaigns with Charboost?
@strag - Yeah it's free, just create your ads to the specs required by chartboost. I've only ever done static interstitials but I think you could create video ads if you wanted too. You then need to create a campaign and choose how often they display (every hour, once a day etc.) and you're all set.
For good results you obviously need a decent user base for your apps - but I've found them to be a worthwhile marketing tool.
in the doc, when you say monthly installs are you saying new installs or active users? I ask because your ARPU might wrong - depending on what you meant it could average revenue per new user or average revenue per active user.
Really interesting to see some numbers. Thanks for sharing.
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@DigiChain That's sounds like a great idea. Thanks for the info
y thats right (new installs)
The ratio of installs to deinstalls is equal each month
ofc there could be couple of main revenue generating users that remain
(so the increase in the last month might just be because remains users spend vs not that much new coming users)
i made this quickly one night as I get scared of the tendencies
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Doing my taxes for the last 3 months (quartile)
I just decided to apply for government support. As the money really runs out.
Pro: After approving in (2-3 months) I will get a solid income for 6 months (more time to turn things around). Contra: They theoretically have the right to force me into applying for employe jobs again.
But there is no other option
Hartz 4
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Are these numbers 'normal?' for AdMob banners.
From left to right: Revenue, Impressions, RPM
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cpm looks normal for banner ads
actually its pretty good one.
Creepy only has 0.07
Orcs 0.20 0.30
pewdiepug 1.00
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@BigDave Thanks, good to know.

I compared it with an other app which has much higher RPM.
Guess I have been really lucky?
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really lucky i would be rich(atleast have no money probs) with this cpm

with your 5 Euro cpm i would have made
170'000 Euro instead of 12'000
Which app has the 5 Euro?
you should consider doing paid advertising for that one via Chartboost.
PS: ahhh are this banners or interstitial pop ups?
because interstitials are always higher
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. * transfers cpm to your account *
Still very nice revenue though. Well deserved with great games!
I'm not getting close to those numbers yet. Perhaps because my games are !@#$%.
Any idea why the cpm can vary that much. This is only from banners. I also have chartboost interstitial ads in the game which are making less than this.
I'm too ashamed to even say it but it's a fidget spinner app.
Also I have a new goal now, earn more money than you
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So yeah trendy themes higher money
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cheers for sharing lad, i hope it picks up..