Need sound to play
I have a sound file which plays correctly in the audio window but which does not play when triggered by the "Play Sound" behavior, even though its volume is set to 1.
Other sounds play fine in the game when triggered, but this particular .ogg sound doesn't, and I don't have any idea why.
Other sounds play fine in the game when triggered, but this particular .ogg sound doesn't, and I don't have any idea why.
Why? Is there a way to make a sound loop AND continue to play between several scenes?)
I need it to - and it has to do so as a sound, not as music.
Is there any way to achieve this?
There's supposed to be an event which first activates the sound.
The Play Sound code is currently like this:
-Play Sound "water", loop, (only loop is checked)
volume="watervolume", pitch="1"
The sound effect should remain looping from the point it's first activated, but the volume should change based on the variable.
Problem is, the sound doesn't play, even if the "watervolume" attribute is set to a volume of 1.
And yes, it's a stereo sound.
I'm not a good programmer - which is why I'm using GameSalad - but I'm a pretty good artist.
I've spent hundreds of hours on this project, modelling, texturing, animating, and rendering - and don't want it to grind to a halt at the final assembly phase just because nobody is replying to this thread.
It's not just a "Water" sound that's the issue, but a whole list of sounds in the project that are having the same problem.
Please help! I need help from someone, anyone...
Pleease explain to me how to make this sound system work.
I personally have dealt with the sound system in GS and won't mind helping if I could. If the file isn't too big, do send it to me and I'll process it for you (using arcane stuff like commandline tools ^_^) which would be faster than me trying to explain how it's done.
For those that would like to search it out, I use afconvert and there should be a thread on the forum on how I did it.
You can email me the file, or use something like to