Advertising with Chartboost part 2: A/ B Test
Just some results that might be interesting for some of you.
I did run another campaign and spent 88 $ for 145 Installs on Orcs Google Play.
This time I setup 4 different popup graphics within one campaign.
I guess chartboost evenly gives them a chance and than calculates their results.
The so called A/B testing. (except here would be C and D too)
It was insightful what works better and it looks like the simplest Pop up graphic resulted in the most IR = install rate.
One of them outperformed the simple one slightly in terms of CTR = Click through rate (how many clicked on it and were brought to the App store page)
But thats a minimal amount and ball parked the simple one still resulted in more overall installs, so I know now to use the simple white one for the best performance = Cheapest price per User
Thanks for sharing. Thats good to know! Is chartboost advertising worth it? I feel like paying $88 for 145 downloads isn't... No chance I am earning it back with those numbers. Even with good monetized games
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So you can do it either for uplifting your rank position through traffic resulting in more engagement and ratings, resulting in more uplift.
Or you can try to make it back
88/145 = $0.60 per install
If your ARPU is higher you would make profit.
Orcs potentially has the chance to reach a break even.
(because the more relevant the game becomes/is the higher the cpm within the app, results in a higher ARPU)
its between $0.08 to $0.40 ARPU depending on month and platform.
Android results in a lot of crashes like 3-5% of installs because of the game salad RAM issue. So I lose arpu there. And overall iOS has a higher ARPU because these users are more likely to spend money.
How ever I did it on google because I wanna see the effect on the ranking in poland ( i targeted only poland) because im always lurking around the top 100 there.
Breaking into the top 5 would be a big thing in order to get increased organic traffic.
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But yes spending money and not getting it back hurts.
The same amount as spending time developing the game and not getting more traffic.
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The big thing is influencer marketing but its so out of reach for us indies.
Except you make a multiplayer game (game salad..) that engages the youtuber and his community its hard to play in the big league now.
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Chartboost partnered with Roostr.
Which is a bridge between youtube content creators and developers but look at this minimal budget numbers.
They like to say they are indie friendly but they are clearly not.
( even tough they agreed to lover the barrier to 5k for me, still too much)
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Blimey - $25,000 doesn't seem indie friendly to me either! I guess there's indie, and then there's INDIE!
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Hmm, that makes sense.
Seems impossible for me with my current games.
Any reason choosing for Poland? Easiest to get in the top apps?
Never heard about Roostr. What a great concept. minimum of $10.000 is just insane thoug.
CPI is cost per install right? Between $5 and $10? Also way too much...
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the campaign did have an impact on the app ranking, also i got 13 more downloads over the next 2 days over chartboost for free. (resulting in $0.55 per install)
I know from another marketing company that android installs have a delay of a couple of days on the ranking as google analysis the engagement of these new users first.
This would fit the campaign was at the and the spike at
Current position rank 72 in poland rpg
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Interesting. It does seem to help your ranking.
the result of the optimisation
plus i figured i can bet less than a cent for cpcv
0.003$ is the minimum
resulting +100% installs for the same price

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$106,81 /435 installs
$0,245 per install (CPI)
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2 days after the campaign ended the chart ranking risen again.
So I can confirm that google needs about 2 days until you can see the impact of a campagin because engagement is a key metric of their rank algorithm.
I am in poland rpg 32 before the invesment i was pendeling around 120 to 200
So far I paid <200 Dollars
I know its maybe a huge waste of money but i gonna put more into it +100 Dollars.
Lets see
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On my moms galaxy Edge, orcs was in the recommended games on the Play Store
which country?
recommended could also be because you downlaoded one of my games on that device before
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US. But nope it's my moms new phone didn't have any games downloaded and wasn't logged into google play .