Please help me with Tables.

jwgatordocjwgatordoc Member, PRO Posts: 1
edited July 2017 in Working with GS (Mac)

I was wondering how do you add to and show a table integer value? Thanks.


  • Two.ETwo.E Member Posts: 599


    Once you have created a table. You will need to use the Change Table Value Behaviour to edit it while the game is running.

    Each section needs to be filled out.
    You select the table you want to reference.
    The row number
    The column number
    And then enter in what value you want to change it to.

    To display that value, you will need to use a display text behaviour.
    Then open up the expression editor and use the TableCellValue Function.

    From there you simply replace the text "Table" and input the table.
    Replace the text "Row" and type what row. These can also be attribute values.
    Replace the "Col" text and put in what column you need to reference.

    You are good to go.
    Example below.


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