"Other Memory' issue

amigoniamigoni Member Posts: 78
edited November -1 in Tech Support
My other memory is always above 40 MB in GS Viewer. It has been this way since I started using game salad. Is this normal? It pushes my game memory above 70 MB. I tried to reinstall GS as suggested on a forum post but no luck.


  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    What is in your game that is causing it to go so high?
    An App will crash a device when it is near 40MB total for the app.

    If you make a completely blank new game, and test it, is 'other' still at 40MB?

    Do you have a lot of Scenes? Actors? Images? Audio? Rules?
    Those are pretty much the only 5 areas...

    My advice is to make a duplicate of your game and start chopping things out. Try to narrow down the culprit. Test it after you remove each item.
  • amigoniamigoni Member Posts: 78

    Completely blank project has other memory of 23.5 MB, Game Engine of 3.5 MB Total 27.0 MB
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    I had a game recently stating 85mb in the other section on the viewer. I made a backup and chopped everything out, this brought it down to 63mb.

    I closed the viewer down fully on my iphone, restarted gamesalad and relaunched the original project file, this now reported a total usage of 23, with 11 or so in other.

    Looks like the viewer might sometimes have a memory leak.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    3gs completely empty project

    Game engine 3.5
    Other 4.4
    Total 7.9
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