Android Publishing: Zip Align Error
I have signed my up and uploaded to the Google Play store as usual. However, I am getting this error message:
You uploaded an APK that is not zip aligned. You will need to run a zip align tool on your APK and upload it again.
What do I do to fix this?
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing
Are you working on a new computer, perhaps? Have a look when downloading and signing the app from the Publishing Portal, whether you have the correct file path for ZIP align selected.
No new computer. Just uploading a new app. Have they changed they way they sign on google play. If I load the app unsigned it says I need to zip align and if i load it signed it says
You uploaded an APK with an invalid signature (learn more about signing). Error from apksigner: ERROR (Jar signer DOLPHINT.RSA): JAR signature META-INF/DOLPHINT.RSA uses digest algorithm SHA-256 and signature algorithm RSA which is not supported on API Level(s) 10-17 for which this APK is being verified
I haven't loaded a new app for 6 months!
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing