Selection overlap
iam working on a coloring book app and i've faced a problem i cant overcome,the technique behind the coloring book is select2fill so simply when u select a color button and then select some area it changes its own color to the button's color
the problem is so far when ever i try to select area it selects all the actors in the same place
we can take the attached pic as an example if i color the "T" it colors the Tree word white line
it should work so i can color each letter on its own so this picture is divided into(t,R,e,e,tree white outline)
any tips on how i can achieve that?
i've tried custom collision shapes but no luck
and i've tried this video's method
its better but yet when ever i click on T it colors the T and the Tree white outline
Thanks in advance
There is a bug with custom collision shapes which might be causing this. They are ignored for touch unless they are 'activated' by a physics interaction.
Please don't post duplicate threads.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Sorry, that's my fault, I couldn't answer in the original thread because it was in the PRO Q&A section -- is there a way to open that up for all users? I can read the threads, but not reply. It (kinda) used to make sense back in the day, to discuss features that were only in the PRO version, but after switching to the subscription model and opening up all Creator features, I don't see the purpose of locking it like that.
Yup. I had a problem exactly like that in a project I'm doing for someone and that's the only workaround I found so far. Since it was just one actor, it wasn't a huge deal, I simply dropped an invisible actor on it to activate the custom collision and then it works.
Most people won't come across this bug, I think, as the majority of custom collision use is specifically for game physics, but if your use is only for touch, it is a problem.
u can see in the attached pictures what i've done
when i clicked on the white outline i can simply change the color
but once i press on the T so i can change it,it also changes the white outline with it
i've tried collision but it moved the actors and i just want to color/select
Neither do I. I wish they'd just close the Pro section. It was meant to be a focused area free from the hundreds of "how do I make a flappy bird clone" posts back in the day but it never really took off as most of us realized that we have a better chance of getting our questions answered if they are posted where all users can see them.
The quote you posted from me was the only response to that identical thread in the Pro section so you haven't missed anything.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Are the letters in TREE separate actors? Or a single actor? Any chance you can post a link to download the project file so we can see how you have things set up?
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Yeah. You need to uncheck Movable in the actor settings. Then it will stay in place.
Each select-able actor is in a separate actor/png
and yeah sure u can check the project
In the project you sent, all the actors have rectangle collision shapes, no custom collisions, so it's hard to do any tests with it.
Here is an example:
Unfortunately, the bug seems to be even worse. I thought that once the items collided, the collision shape gets activated and stays active, but it turns out that if you destroy the colliding object, it reverts back to a non-custom collision shape...
They were set to custom but i think the fix wont be in the custom collision shape part
I need to figure out a way to make other actors unselectable once i select the top layer then turns back to select able once i color the top one
dont you share the same thought?
theres a huge improvement there its still a bit buggy but i can see its working better
thanks man
if you can break it down to me what u have done and why theres this white box actor
it would be much appreciated
I made two custom collisions, one for the T and one for the TREE.
The white box actor is there to make the custom collisions work. This is a workaround for a GameSalad bug. It doesn't need to be so big. And it can be made invisible. But it needs to be there all the time (actually, it doesn't need to be actively colliding) and have a rule to collide with every actor you want to activate.
New download:
I made the white actor smaller. You can move it outside of the camera view and make it invisible. Also in the download, you can find the custom collisions I made, so you can open them and have a look.
Cool thanks man
Appericate your time