decrease moves based on score
hello everyone
so i bought the squares template and im working around with it
so i figured ill make levels and have different number of moves in each level
so basically i figured the only way to detect number of moves is based on the score
but the score doesnt only change by +1 its +1 on for each square that is matched so if its 4 its +4 if its 5 its +5 and so on
so when i put it in a rule the moves was decreased exactly by the number of score which is what i did basically
how do i make it so that when the score changes but not by specific number just the fact the it changed meaning the player did make a successful move, the number of moves decreases?
i hope you understood
Hi Rawan,
You are welcome to continue to the email message you started in August. (I imagine its the same project)
There are a few ways in which you can add in moves. The following is the most simple.
You will need to create a new actor.
In this actor, you will need to the following rule:
When touch.count = 0
When game.Count >= 2
Then change Moves (Attribute) to minus 1.
Then create a new seperate rule.
When Touch.Count = 0
Add a timer in, set to "After" a value of 0.06
Inside the behaviour, you will need a change attribute behaviour and change the game.Count attribute to a value of zero.
What is happening, is that the squares will not be removed until there is no touches on the screen. (Touch count = 0)
And the squares will only disappear/fall when there is 2 or more squares selected.
(Game.Count >= 2)
Hope that helps.
Two.E | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
didnt work
i think i did something wrong!Attl9x_Y_-9llxEFjsIS98wuBDG1
i sent a photo of the rules
In your rule, it says every instead of After.
Perhaps that is the issue.
If it doesn't work then, I will send you over my file.
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it didnt work, thank you that would be great