Does the Android GameSalad Viewer actually work?
How does one get the Android GS Viewer to work?
I've downloaded it from the Google Play store on an HTC One M7, and M8 and an M9, and none of them work.
I load my project into Game Salad Creator 1.25.79, and load the Viewer on one of the devices.
The "Preview on Android" button shows up at the top of Creator, and I click it, and it compresses the game build, but once the bar is full, it never actually starts sending it to the device, and the device screen itself just stays on the usual start-up state, it never goes to a loading bar state.
What's going on?
It hasn't worked for me, ever I don't think. Certainly not on any of my recent attempts to use it.
Does it actually work???
My Apps
doest work for me right now neither
but it has worked in the past
using editor and viewer version 1.25.80
My Apps
but the viewer seems to have features related to the browser version
reading QR codes
My Apps
@adent42 Does the Android viewer work currently?
What's the secret to getting it working?