Creator 2.0 ... an interesting experience



  • ForumNinjaForumNinja Key Master, Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 554

    @Armelline said:
    This publishing issue is killing me though. Totally unable to properly test a Christmas themed app that it's looking increasingly likely the deadline will be missed for.

    I'm sorry to hear that :/ Tan is working away on a fix as we speak, hopefully it'll be available for you guys soon (sounds like he's close)

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,377

    @ForumNinja said:
    I'm sorry to hear that :/ Tan is working away on a fix as we speak, hopefully it'll be available for you guys soon (sounds like he's close)

    Great news. Hopefully the last time a fix gets pushed just before a holiday, even if you guys do find yourselves between a rock and a hard place like you were then :D

  • ForumNinjaForumNinja Key Master, Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 554

    @Armelline On the bright side it sounds like these changes might also fix the awkwardly rotating loading images.

  • JamesDJamesD Member, PRO Posts: 12
    edited November 2017

    @ForumNinja said:

    The only suggestion I have is to refresh the page you're on if it gets stuck. What browser are you using?

    @ForumNinja Google Chrome 62.0.3202.94

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