Bumps Review
OK, so I reviewed Bumps...
I think I'm going to go eat lunch now. This game was so entertaining that I forgot to eat. HA!
I think I'm going to go eat lunch now. This game was so entertaining that I forgot to eat. HA!
Working on an update for restart so it remembers your last position and as you mentioned 9 extra snow themed levels.
Did you try the breakout? that was one of my favs and we also had some fun with the 2 player modes in breakout.
I think the main reason I didn't like the Breakout game because it's similar to Game #1 of Arcade Action. I think you made a better air hockey game than I did, but I liked my brick smashing game better. I did like how the Bump's eyes would react to a bounce.
It's good that you're adding more levels, but maybe an iPad version would be a better project? 54 levels, 4 mini games, some accelerometer stuff... how much do you have to put in a game to justify 99¢?
iPad would be better for this type of game for sure but while its high in the charts we thought we'd do the same as angry birds and the rest by updating with new content.
Yeah all that for 99c im with you on that one and have a few games i think would sell better than Bumps that i would love to start work on but while its still selling i think we should keep updating.
How much were you selling Arcade Action for again? Was it $1.99?
Say its selling on average 5000 a day surly the customer base will run out eventually? but it seems to keep selling and selling.
Bumps has just reached its highest position since release #18 Games so it must of be Photics review!!!
When writing a review if you offer something 4.5 out of 5 then I would suggest that 4.5/5 (90%) of your review should be positive.
In your conclusion you said the flaws were minor but thats nearly all you have written about.
on arcade action's brick smashing game, it is kinda broken. You used gravity (or I assume a downward acceleration) on the ball. So if you try to cut a side angle on the ball it doesn't give it enough distance or power to reach the blocks quite often. So it looks just like a weak girly throw and comes back down again. Not sure why a gravity effect would be needed at all for a block smasher. You could just turn down any drag and friction and let it behave like breakout or arkanoid.
Also the lack of any sound when the ball hits the bricks makes for a rather unsatisfying experience. The finger control is very unresponsive as well, jumps around and doesn't keep up with my finger. I felt it was one of the weaker of arcade action's mini games.
...Although, he might have cut that out (along with saving/loading high scores) so he could talk about himself some more. ;-)
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
-- it’s one of the best games in its class
-- it's the music and the artwork that makes this app special. It's vivid and lively.
-- It shows the game development skills of Darren Spencer.
-- It's a highly economical and entertaining iPhone / iPod Touch game.
-- The flaws I found were minor when compared to the quality of the game.
-- I suspect that many of the issues I found could be resolved with future updates.
It is my blog, so it's not unusual for the review to be from my perspective. I mentioned that I played it and forgot about eating lunch. Is that really a comment about my eating habits or is it a comment about the game?
The disclosure at the end is something more bloggers should do. I'm stating possible bias as I received a promo code and I'm an author of a GameSalad Textbook.
I think it's a strong review. I was doubtful that a High Score / achievements chapter was necessary. It requires a lot of extra rules, behaviors and other attributes that can slow down the game. Today, I'm starting to change my mind. I'm considering adding more on that topic in the book. Bumps has an excellent stage select / stage unlock system.
As for the physics on Game #1 of Arcade Action, I prefer the gravity method. It creates a more random experience. It also fits the theme of flying through space.
I think the review is good and the game is great... 4.5 out of 5 stars!
1 x Intro paragraph
2 x positive comments paragraphs and game info
4 x criticism and things you didn't like
2 x conclusion in which you say you won't bother keeping it.
I dunno, maybe its a personality thing. Overall after reading the review it left me with the thought that you didn't like it much.
I think the way to fix that is with more timing. The swinging arm levels are great. You have to concentrate and time it perfectly. Even if you know how to do it, you could still mess it up. But would that really add to the replay value? I don't think so. Some players hate precision gaming. Bumps is cool because it's more relaxed.
But if you read the article, I mentioned that for 99 cents, the game is yours indefinitely. It's surprising to me how the iPhone dropped the bottom out game prices. Back when arcades were strong, you could blast through a dollar in less than 5 minutes. It took me much longer than that just to clear the harder levels in the game. Just one of the mini games could be worth 99 cents. I think the air hockey one was great.
I think the message is there. The first and last paragraphs are highly favorable towards Bumps.
Your pathetic little comments are really grating. First off you write "I like the idea that you don't know the secrets in the book" when I said I wouldn't buy it because of your NO PRINTING policy. And now taking a dig that I forgot to pay my domain bill (which is only ten bucks, by the way). And I don't need to "lift myself up" as you are endlessly trying to to in every one of your posts, you egotistical little *&%$. I'm quite happy being an equal in society... not a God in my own head.
You are a right tool.
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Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
If it's any consolation, none of it was mine.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
10 times crashing awwww that's not good and im sorry about that but honestly im not sure what i can do about it.
Im guessing it was random crashing because of memory.
Maybe GS has a memory leak? and you need to reset device every now and then but we had long long testing periods will in development with no problems.