Scene disorientating on galaxy s7 and later !
Hi there,
my game works fine on phones older than Galaxy s7 but on S7 and later , the First scene seems to be uploading displaced and all the actors and background move to the bottom right of the screen and a white space fills their " supposed to be " place ?
how can i fix this please ?!
@BL4CKL00P - Yep, known issue I'm afraid.... there are a few mentions of it, and some solutions, one I've posted about, but in short, you have to re-set the camera values to what you expect them to be / what they should be, very shortly after loading up your first scene - it's a pain, I know, but hey, I think we're all resigned to the fact that it's not gonna be fixed anytime soon.... :frowning:
What a misfortune !!
so i should then keep resetting the camera till i get what i want right ?
i ran into another problem !!
i added a new scene which lasts for 1 second so the main scene will be exactly placed as i want it to be but now when it loads it doesn't interact with any touch !! i touch the controls but nothing happens ??!
please help !
The fix (which in all honesty is like a sledghammer to a nut, and others have provided better ones elsewhere!), is something like this - origin.x and origin.y (mine is set to 1024 as it's a scrolling menu scene, but yours should (I guess) be 0 and 0)...
...and yep, my fix worked GREAT, and now my own project is STILL in limbo as I seem to have the exact same problem with touch... if I HOLD down on an actor, it seems to count, but if I tap, nope, more miss than hit.... works fine in preview, doesn't work on the device... and worked fine BEFORE all of the latest fixes to the publishing, I have to say. Never had a problem with this in 10 months of dev, and the control method hasn't changed... Certainly, the "DELIVER" button is a simple tap to start, and doesn't work reliably at all now.
I honestly give up at this point. I've had 2 months back of my (now almost 3 months) wasted, and I'm no better off, still cannot release without getting crucified by users because s**t just plain doesn't work as it should. I feel it's just broken beyond belief, and the new 1.25.80 Creator runs like utter crap compared to 1.25.73...
try taking out the "run to completion" on the outside timer. As the inside timer is set to run "every" .5 seconds, this will never complete, thus this whole loop will continue indefinitely. My suspicion.
Cheers @Hopscotch - I knew it was a bodge when I did it, I'll try that...
Anything that takes unknowns out of the equation is good...
In an ideal world, it wouldn't make a difference I guess, but with so much quirkiness, I hear ya.... 
PS - @Hopscotch - The inside timer is actually set to .1 seconds - can I assume that this is okay then? - though obviously if it's good practice, I'll happily try out the change anyway..
@Japster I think the "Run to completion" on the outside timer is the problem, forcing the whole double timer construct to run indefinitely, since the inside timer will never finish.
Setting "run to completion" ON means the timer stays alive as long as something is still executing inside of it. So, since the inside timer is set to "every x seconds", thus running indefinitely, the whole thing keeps running.
Switch the "run to completion" on the outside timer to OFF and try.
PS - @BL4CKL00P - As a test mate, given something that @pHghost just mentioned, maybe try HOLDING down on a problem button, and let me know if that presses it? - that presses buttons in my problem scene - it's NOT a fix, I know, but would confirm that you're having the same issue as me, possibly related to the original camera issue.
Another reason why I'm guessing it should be fixed SOONER, rather than later, GS....