Gamesalad 2030
Member Posts: 60
i hope in** 2030** gamesalad will
1-work on Mac high sierra
2-support (RTL) For non latin language (Arabic and Hebrew)
3-Editor needs a snap to grid feature, for better layout of actors
4-Ability to Show/Hide Layers in the Creator
5-Spawn Actors by typed name
6-Ability to send users push notifications..and local notifications
7-remove Loading Wheel and make engine faster..
8-share on( facebook - vk - odnoklassniki or other Social media ), And posting to a user's wall .
9-Constrain sounds ..
10-and **Respect customers a little **,, reply not silent all time ....
By the way: Most engines have these characteristics
@gatrif Don't hold your breath. At this rate they'll be lucky to make 2018_03!
I surely hope not!!!
That's like hoping today that it would run on Mac OS X 10.3 Panther! If it still runs on High Sierra on 2030, it probably means it hasn't been updated for any new macOS versions that came out in the meantime!
google play leaderboards on 2050
I have a T shirt with that printed on it.
4,7,8 would be nice. Will they be in the new engine??
The loading wheel indicates that builds are spinning their wheels and going nowhere!
If you remove it GS will really take off!