What's the best platform to start a new GS project for general mobile app right now?
You know, when you start a new project in GS, is it iPhone 5? or iPhone 6 plus? For the guarantee that the final product will run smoothly on most mobile phone right now.
And can you change the platform mid way?
Best Answer
pHghost London, UKPosts: 2,342
The template just sets a default scene size, but you can adapt everything as necessary afterwards.
Some people start with an iPad project. It doesn't really matter.
Whether it run smoothly or not will depend on how efficient is your logic, how many actors you have on screen, the size of your images.
I usually start with iPad. easiest way to make universal build (in my experience) and bigger on your screen to work on.
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You can zoom in/out in the current beta, but the iPad settings can be quite good as a basic setup. I usually start with iPhone 5.
Thank you for your comments guys! @pHghost @-Timo-
This is what I thought: ''Be sure to enable resolution independence, as I think then whatever you start with, the game will fit the screen. It may look squished though. You can check by doing this: when you preview your game, at the top click on the ''ipad landscape'' I believe, then scroll down to your desired device and click it.'' But after some research I found that Gamesalad will just scale your game to the device's size. But you should still scroll to your desired device.... Here is my final answer:
At the top left go to project properties and find your device, then select it.
Yes, iPhone 5 is my choice