Help Color
in Help Wanted
I am having a lil trouble with with this word game and changing color attribute. Lets say I have 20 words on board. I want to be able to click a word and it highlights it blue but once I click another word it becomes a solid green and the word that was just newly selected becomes highlighted blue and so forth till the letters make a word. I have an attribute for selected is true but the word just stays hilighted blue on each word clicked. I know its probably something fairly simple that I need to add probalbly. Just need a little help in the right direction
Make yourself an attribute for the letter actor, let's call it "WTF!"
When touch is pressed and When WTF! = 0
--Change colour to blue
--When button is up
--Change WTF! to 1
When button is down and When WTF! is 1
--Change colour to green
@Socks Hey thank you that worked but it seems that if I click anywhere on the screen after it changes the previous color even if I don't click on a letter.
Make yourself an attribute for the letter actor, let's call it "WTF!"
Make yourself a game attribute (a boolean will do), let's call this one 'OMG!'
When mouse is inside
--Change OMG! to 1
--Change OMG! to 0
When touch is pressed -and- When WTF! = 0
--Change colour to blue
--When button is up
----Change WTF! to 1
When button is down -and- When WTF! is 1 -and- when OMG! is true
--Change colour to green