Rules inside Rules become blurry in Windows
I don't know what the deal is here, but it's almost as if this was done on purpose to piss off the users..
I've never seen anything like it before..
When I put a rule inside another rule the text gradually becomes blurry until it reaches a point where i cannot see anything..
It's hard enough having to deal with Mac's instabilities and transfer to Windows just to realize how unusable the Windows version is..
Yup. I logged this YEARS ago - it's ridiculously bad, and probably an easy fix - seems to apply a filter recursively - so yep, 5 levels deep seems to be 5 times as badly affected. Never got fixed, and it's why I originally moved to Mac.
Don't hold your breath for a resolution mate - I gave up.
I shouldn't joke !
I know how frustrating this stuff is
Seems like they have to switch some kind of anti-aliasing / interpolation off ?
That made my day. Funny. If you don’t joke around, this stuff willl drive you nuts.
Made my day too.
@Socks , you @Toque and a handful of others with a sense of humour are the only reason I stick around now. I need to read something funny every day.
I didn’t even know this was an issue. I’m on mac. I’m surprised it doesn’t come up more often. There is no logical answer to it.
Sorry I don’t think they will fix any of these bugs in creator at this point. The online looks like it’s getting closer to completion. No sense wasting money on creator when they will just kill it off.