2 features that will greatly improve ease of use
I suggest to add these 2 features which will greatly improve user experience.
- "Find" a certain attribute in the game that will make certain characters glow that have them
- being able to copy and past the conditions, sometimes I need a lot of similar conditions
Right now I've been stuck for an hour trying to look for an attribute I used somewhere in an actor and can't find (it's not an instance attribute, it's "camera origin", so i cannot find it be using the remove attribute prompt)
Yep, these and others have been suggested for years but not added to the product. But I agree, they would be helpful.
As a workaround for #1, you can delete* an attribute and a dialog box will appear that lists the actors that use that attribute.
*ALWAYS make a backup copy of your project file before attempting this
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Problem is the attribute as I mentioned above is "camera origin" so I can't really do this
And there is no dialog when deleting attribute in WIN verison
I don't think they are updating the core product anymore...