iPhone X support mandatory from April?
Eeeek. So what's the deal? do I start building any new apps for iOS in GameSalad?
Eeeek. So what's the deal? do I start building any new apps for iOS in GameSalad?
If you republish your games with any 1.25 version they will mostly work.
Because they want end-to-end coverage, you won't be able to use letterbox mode for the games. You're going to have to use the device screen size to adjust your interfaces for the different phones or move your UI into a safe zone and hope that the little it of extra stretch on the iPhone X doesn't affect your game too much.
Also, if I remember, I think your existing apps will be fine for a little bit longer, this applies to new apps. But it seems that they will be sunsetting support for old apps eventually.
Thanks @adent42, I guess playing with custom screen resolutions can solve the aspect ratio issues (though it would be nice to be able to preview in a custom res without having to manually enter it for each preview).
Just panicking when I see that Apple now say the status bar should only be hidden 'in exchange for added value' and that all artwork should be @3x when Creator still resizes anything >2048x2048
Here’s the most complete info I’ve been able to find on the new guidelines.
Handy reference for screen resolution, aspect ratio, etc...
The narrow width of the iPhoneX seems like a real design hassle.