Moving on! - Just a quick update those who have been fantastic!
Hello All,
I am now done with the GameSalad, and the Forums. At this point there isn't need to voice reason that have been mentioned so many times before. Adding on that, I am also moving from game developing.
While I am just another number in the crowed, there are a few changes.
GSLearn will still be available for a limited time. We are re-moving all the paid content. If you have an account with us, you will still be viable to download your templates, and will be notified in advance if they site shuts down.
The templates on GShelper no longer come with support. Normally I spend a lot of time helping those who purchase to Mae sure their visions are met. That is no longer going to be the case. Once the templates can no longer run on GS, they will be removed.
The Udemy Course is now taken off. It is still there for everyone who has watched it as per Udemy rules.
To the many people I talk to a weekly bases. You are welcome to get in contact me through Skype or through GSLearn if you don't have details. I enjoy seeing your pogress and I hope that you all will keep up to date with your work, with or without GS.
To all my developing clients - You would have received emails about this a few months ago. I am always happy to answer questions, but will no longer offer support. I can re-direct you to another developer if need be.
To the GameSalad Staff and Team. Fantastic Job. It was a great experience to try game development in an easy way, and while I never succeed in anything, it was fulling to wake up at 3 in the morning with an idea and see it in action an hour later.
I wish each of you the best with or outside of Gamesalad.To Braydon, thanks for all the help and question answering and support over the years. Hope things are going well.
I will be checking in on those who invited me to the meet up forum from time to time.
Thats all.
Very sad to see you go, but the time having you here on the forums has been exhilarating. You have such mastery over the tool and your willingness to help others is inspiring. You’ve come up with some of the best gameplay mechanics I’ve seen from developers here. Best of luck to you, and please, stop by once in a while. I know we’d all love to see how things are going.
Best of luck, mate.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Hi @Braydon_SFX,
I find it so strange that you say all these guys farewell instead of fixing all the problems Gamesalad has. You know what the problems are but somehow it isnt getting fixed and people are leaving.
For instance, Im in contact with Alex but he cant reproduce the touch issues in the corners while a lot of people complained about this on the forums. All players who play my game complain about this. So how is Alex not being able to see it? It needs to be fixed as soon as possible!! I have invested more than $15000 dollars and all my free time over 2 years in my game but now I cant make revenue because my buttons dont work.
Also the rewarded ads dont work anymore at the moment. You know this? My banner ads from admob dont work. On some phones static interstituals are shown as they should but on other newer phones on the same exact location the request page for the rewarded ads are shown. Often completely random my buttons dont change scene anymore and the game has to be restarted.
So because of all these problems not getting fixed I have lost so much money because of your product.
Can I expect you guys actually fixing these problems or do I need to ask for a compensation for my $15000 and 2 years of time?
Yours sincerely,
Robert Zwier
Such a shame to see you going @Two.E
Your work was/is an inspiration, thank you!
Please GameSalad take note, these are very valuable people in your community that are leaving week by week. Please listen to what people are saying and do not take these losses lightly.
These are the folk who have been demonstrating to the rest of us why GameSalad is powerful and capable. I'm fearing tumbleweed round these forums soon...
@Two.E Thank you for the awesome template and course work you've done over the last several years. Creating table and various GS mechanic tutorials is hard enough but you went through the extra effort of building entire websites dedicated to making your resources available and that's a ton of effort!
I grabbed your Udemy course way back and it's still a valuable resource to me. I can't thank you enough for your insightful posts and many helpful works. You're a dynamite asset to this community of developers. I wish you a bright future ahead and know you'll continue moving mountains along the journey.
FYI. I don't think Braydon works for GS in a capacity to make any fixes to the tool, or even do much more than suggest them to the staff like we can.
I feel your pain though.
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@Two.E, best of luck in your new ventures. You really did some fantastic stuff with Gamesalad. I'm certain you'll be missed. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I thought Braydon was the only developer working at GS who could fix things?
That would be @adent42 I believe
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Thank you for all your help and kindness. Best of luck with your future projects.
Though I never got to know you and I don't know why you are leaving, I wish you the best of luck. Maybe some day the community will feel about me the same way they feel about you. (That would be awesome!) Anyways, I am going to snatch your free templates I think because hey look great and I would love to maybe learn a thing or two from them. Bye and good luck!
I hear you brotha... I'm too am leaving as I feel GS isn't serious about their gaming platform any longer and haven't made a real progress for past 2 years. I'm personally going to jump into Unity and give that a go. If you ever want to partner-up on a project then feel free to shoot me an email.
GameSalad Community I am sorry for your loss. Best of luck @Two.E you are one of the few last standing community moguls left and the latest to throw the towel in.
Thanks everyone. I didn't intend to cause a stir, as I know tensions are high with the lack of consistent communication from the GS team. GameSalad lack of stable updates is not the major reason for my leaving. (Mainly due to constant harassment from users and clients)
I have been using Unity3d for a while and has been fun, but my passion for Game development has also reached it's end. Going to explore other areas for a while.
I am also disappointed that members have not felt their complaints are received or warrant responses or intentions to fix bugs. I know its a pain and hope the community can push through it.
Personally, I would have liked to see a road map to put a lot of doubt at ease.
Take care, | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course