Published game doesn't match game preview
Hello! I recently published my latest project, and it worked perfectly in preview, however when I upload the same project, it doesn't work as intended. The main issue is my play button isn't working at all, as it doesn't respond to my clicks, even though it responds just fine in preview mode. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Where is this button mate? - possibly related to the long-standing bug affected buttons etc near(ish) any edge of the screen...
Can't believe this isn't being treated more urgently!!!
Oh I didn't know that was a bug at all, but no, it's almost in the middle of my screen.
On pc or on phone?
Computer... It's weird because it works fine when I have it set to change scene when my mouse is over the button, but it doesn't work when I have it set to change scene when BOTH my mouse is over button and my mouse is being pressed down.