Using the online creator

scottwoodscottwood Member, PRO Posts: 68

Is there a help guide or knowledge base or something for the online creator? Like where is the layers control?

I'm still getting to grips with the basics of gamesalad and prefer using the desktop version (PC), but I'm finding that games which play fine on a desktop preview can show problems when published to html5.

The online creator seems to shows the same problems as the published html5 view, but it also highlights the "errors" that were not a problem on the desktop preview and which cause a problem when published. Things like not allowing a negative value for interpolate rotation amount or not allowing a double [[ to concatenate static text in an expression.

I'm sure the problems are virtually all due to my lack of understanding and inexperience, but I find I need the online creator in my workflow. So having a user manual of some description would be really useful - surely it must be around somewhere?


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    Sorry, we're a bit behind documenting the online creator since it's mostly targeted to schools right now (and we're still making changes to it as we incorporate the pro features).

    Layers and attributes should be on the right side of the screen. If you don't see it, try clicking the tab with the < on the right side of the screen to expose the inspector.

    Also, if you can PM me bugs you're finding in the HTML5 engine (i.e. things that are behaving differently, that would be awesome). We try to keep them in parity, but there are some things that just work differently due to performance or language differences.

  • scottwoodscottwood Member, PRO Posts: 68

    Thanks for the quick response @adent42
    There can be a lot of negative posting in these forums, but I've been very pleasantly surprised by the amount of engagement being shown and the willingness to offer help.

    No problem keeping you updated with "bugs" but you might well find they are due to an error on my behalf and not with the system. As I mentioned in the original post, I've found that interpolate allows a negative value on the desktop but not on the online creator. Also, it would not allow me to use [[ ]] to add static text in a display text expression, where the desktop version would. If memory serves, I tried using " " in the desktop and it would not work, which is what does work in the online version.

    I'll create a screenshot of these issues if you need, just let me know.

  • scottwoodscottwood Member, PRO Posts: 68

    Just taken a look and the layers option is there where you said. Can't see how I missed it earlier!!!

  • BunkerBunker Member, PRO Posts: 36

    Recently signed up to GameSalad- (used it when it was free and not as stable while back)

    The online aspect is what sold me on the product in the end, to see that some effort had been taken to expand out, into online. As it's the online aspect that I need help discovering!

    I hope the folks over at HQ will see that they could integrate the online-play aspect more into the education side of things. It would serve to build interest from students while offering a platform for others.

    Looking forward to additional online focus. ..'standing-by with wallet'

  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    @Bunker said:
    Looking forward to additional online focus. ..'standing-by with wallet'

    When the words 'online' are used, it is meant that GameSalad Creator runs in the browser. As far as anyone outside the GS Team knows, there are currently no plans to give games made in GS capability to play against other players online.

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    @pHghost said:

    @Bunker said:
    Looking forward to additional online focus. ..'standing-by with wallet'

    When the words 'online' are used, it is meant that GameSalad Creator runs in the browser. As far as anyone outside the GS Team knows, there are currently no plans to give games made in GS capability to play against other players online.

    Right. The rudimentary network behaviors were really never fully implemented. They are asynchronous and it was difficult work to even get them added to a project and working at a very basic level.

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  • BunkerBunker Member, PRO Posts: 36

    sorry to hear that, suppose I'll have to look for other alternatives

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