How to set conditions dictating which of two actors appear post-collision?
Actor A collides with actor B, destroying A and simultaneously lowering the score by 1. I now need to build in a condition where, if the score is now 0, actor C (a game over message) spawns, but if the score is still greater than or equal to 1, actor D (warning message) spawns.
Any advice on how to tie a given character's spawning to the score?
All help greatly appreciated.
I think you answered yourself ..
If game.score is <= 0
spawn game over message
spawn warning message
I know I'm on the right track but, being very new to all of this, I'm unclear as to how I establish such rules. A rule, a behavior? And I apply the condition to the actor who represents the scoreboard, or to the actor who, when destroyed, lowers the score?
Sorry if these questions aren't detailed enough...
Bumping this in case anyone has an idea. Thanks!
I took your advice and tinkered with the "otherwise" element and that worked. Thanks!