GameSalad crashes when I try to look at my actors and images.
I've been working on a project for a about 10 months, and it got to the point where I can't continue because every time I try to look at my actors and my images, Game Salad crashes.
I can test the game and play it, but if I try to edit something, it crashes.
My game salad file is 75mb and it's a long game.
Is my computer too weak to run a game salad file that big?
Here's more information.
My computer is a Dell Inspiron 17, and has an Intel Core i7 and it has 12 GB of RAM.
After trying everything, a friend recommended that I tried to change the graphics preferences, So I changed it from integrated graphics (which was default) to high-performance NVDIA processor. And now I noticed that Instead of crashing immediately after I pressed the actors library or images library, game salad would let me open them, but after scrolling through the actors for awhile, It would crash again.
Has anyone had a similar experience??
My computer overheated from Gamesalad. Does that count?
I experience 5-10 crashes in a typical two hour session. It's pretty bad and I've lost a fair amount of work.
@johnsheerin215 Do you use a lot of unlocked actors? 5 crashes an hour is a lot for GameSalad to be crashing. I see the odd crash, but nowhere near that rate. I have noticed, though, that unlocked actors are much more likely to trigger a crash.
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@Armelline I have 4- 6 unlocked actors per scene. Do you think that's causing my problem?
It shouldn't be, but it might be. It seems unlikely to be the only factor, though. Does it only crash on the unlocked actors?
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@Armelline gamesalad crashes any time I try to open the actor library and the media library. It doesn't matter what scene it's in. I can play the game just fine, but if I click on actor library and the media library, it crashes. so i can't continue working on it.
If you do a Save As and save it under a new file name, does the new one also crash?
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@Armelline unfortunately yes it still crashes. could it be that i need a stronger computer?
It sounds like some kind of corruption in the file. I might be worth sending me a copy and seeing if it opens okay on Mac.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
@Armelline that would be awesome, I highly appreciate the help. I'll send you a private message.