"Lock" screen behind pop-up.
in Help Wanted
I'm kinda new here and I'm making a game for the kids at my kindergarten where there is a bunch of animals and when you press an animal, a pop-up with some basic info about it appears. I have trouble figuring out how to make a pop-up window and leave the rest of the actors behind the pop-up "untouchable", like lock the screen behind the pop-up. Right now, when the pop-up appears all the actors are still interactable which makes it possible to press all the animals and get a bunch of pop-ups at once, and I obviously don't want that.
A simple way to do this is to use pause game
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/
Not sure how to handle pause game.
I have a scene (1), an actor (1) with an animal and an actor (2) with the pop-up. If you press actor 1 you spawn actor 2, and if you then press actor 2 you delete that actor.
I've been playing around with "pause game" but I can't get it to work. It made sense for me to do like this (check below) but maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Actor 1
Rule - touch when pressed (pause game to scene 1) and (spawn actor 2).
The game does not pause, I've also tried reversing it to spawn actor 2 and then pause game to scene 1 but the game does not pause.
In case you're not spawning in the pause scene (it looks like you are, but confirmation is always good!) - you'll need to spawn actor 2 in your pause screen to make it active in that scene (or the one you spawn (if spawned in the calling scene) will simply be paused along with the rest of that scene), and also, you need to use the UNPAUSE behaviour to return to and resume the scene that you paused from?
I can't see any reason why that shouldn't work! - Obviously you'll need a rule to UNPAUSE that scene, which I'm assuming is clicking on the spawned Actor 2 in the pause scene.
If you also mean that once clicked on, the corresponding Actor 1 should be destroyed, then of course, you can add that behaviour in after the pause behaviour in Actor 1 etc...
Hope something up there ^^^ is of help!
Okay, so I've solved the first problem - the game now pauses and displays the pop-up, awesome! But for some reason I can't unpause now? In actor 2 (the pop-up) i have:
Rule - touch, when pressed (unpause game) and (destroy actor) but the game is frozen in pause and nothing happens. It kinda feels like Gamesalad is playing tricks on me. Any suggestions?
Okay, so did you spawn actor 2 in the PAUSE screen, not the calling one? - just checking!
Not sure what you mean with the calling one (sorry, english is not my first language!
) but if I understand you correctly, yes I spawned the actor in the pause screen.
Ahh.. okay, then that's weird - if the actor has a live rule to UNPAUSE when clicked, although, is your actor near the edge of the screen? - if you're using creator, it shouldn't matter, but if for some reason you're testing using ad-hoc etc, it might be worth ensuring that your actor isn't near the edge of the screen (there's a known issue)
I have to say, some screenshots of actor placements, etc would be very helpful in trying to diagnose...
Check that your actor is locked and using the "prototype" rules. If you have unlocked the actor within the scene, it then has its own, unique "instance" rules. If you aren't sure, delete the actor from the scene and re-add it to the scene. Then look at the rules to see if they are as you'd expect.
And yes, a screenshot of the UNPAUSE rule would be helpful.
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