Missing Asset Catalog... when publishing to Apple store
Hi guys, after submitting my first app to Apple I received the email saying "Missing Asset Catalog - Your app is missing the asset catalog file in '***.app' ". Anyone had a similar issue? I am sort of new and would really appreciate any comments, tried searching GS forum for this topic but could not find the answer. I am on Macbook Air OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 and Xcode 7.2.1. Not sure if it is an old version but it is working fine on GS and uploads to appstore. Anyway any advice is appreciated!
Yeah I have had the same issue and now I had to open up a TSI with Apple because the likelihood that help will be given here doesn't seem to be high.
I would suggest also possibly sending messages to any of the officials that you can find on the forums. If I get some help I will pass it along!
Asset Catalog is for your icons. Make sure you have an icon set.