Actors Not Responding!!! AT ALL! Even 'Display Text' behaviors produce no result! PLEASE HELP ASAP

Anyone have some insight here? In my project, actors that should be moving are stationary. They won't rotate either. They won't display attributes using the 'display text' behavior and won't even display simple text (i.e. "Hello World!") I've tried everything I can think of with absolutely no success. The actors won't move using the move, move to, accelerate, accelerate towards, or interpolation behaviors. 'Moveable' is toggled on, and 'fixed rotation' is toggled off. There is no logic interfering or contradicting the unresponsive behaviors. Creating a completely new actor and attempting movement using any of the behaviors listed above yields the same result. Has anyone encountered anything like this before? @Socks @Hopscotch @jamie_c have you ever experienced a problem like this, or have any tips or suggestions? I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out what could be causing this, and I've tried every option I can think of, reviewed my logic and nothing appears to be restricting the actors from executing the behaviors that they are ignoring..... :| :/ :( :# :'( :s


  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782


    You are probably somewhere referencing a table row that does not exists, like row 0 or a now deleted row.

    This is the most common reason for a game to hang.

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member, PRO Posts: 543

    @rainwaterstudios how Hopscotch say, these are more frequent reason... other one it can also be, that you are dividing something by zero.

  • rainwaterstudiosrainwaterstudios Member Posts: 198

    @Hopscotch said:

    You are probably somewhere referencing a table row that does not exists, like row 0 or a now deleted row.

    This is the most common reason for a game to hang.

    The game doesn't hang, only certain actors (including newly created actors). The rest of the game works as expected, with player movement, score calculation, countdown timers, etc.
    I also can't find anything in my project (or in the scene) that references a nonexistent table, column or row... Also I don't have any logic implemented that would delete a row...

  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    It could also have to do with how things are arranged in the scene, which actors are above another actor. Try to move the actor with the Display Text higer/lower in the layers and see what effect that has.

  • rainwaterstudiosrainwaterstudios Member Posts: 198

    @pHghost said:
    It could also have to do with how things are arranged in the scene, which actors are above another actor. Try to move the actor with the Display Text higer/lower in the layers and see what effect that has.

    Does the layer order prioritize actors from the top or from the bottom? I currently have the actors at the top.

  • RowdyPantsRowdyPants Member Posts: 465

    @rainwaterstudios Sounds like the actor is sitting in a non scrollable layer. Go to your scene view then select Scene Tab > Layers Tab then make sure actor is in a group that has scrollable checked.

  • rainwaterstudiosrainwaterstudios Member Posts: 198

    @RowdyPants said:
    @rainwaterstudios Sounds like the actor is sitting in a non scrollable layer. Go to your scene view then select Scene Tab > Layers Tab then make sure actor is in a group that has scrollable checked.

    I actually made a new layer on top with no other actors in it, put the misbehaving actor and new actor inside, with the scrollable toggle on. Neither of them move, rotate, display text, or seem to do anything at all.

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    Some things to try/check:

    1. What happens when you create a new, blank scene and drag the actor(s) in question onto it and Preview?
    2. Does this problem occur with other Project Files or just this one?
    3. What OS are you using?
    4. Have you restarted your computer since this started happening?

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  • RowdyPantsRowdyPants Member Posts: 465

    @rainwaterstudios Hmm, have you changed any camera properties (size, aspect, controlled by one (or multiple) actors? Does the camera have any other location altering logic attached?

  • ValanValan Member, BASIC Posts: 410
    edited April 2018

    I had a similar thing happen. The text in an actor wouldn't display. This happened after testing a few times.

    As Hopscotch said it did reference tables, but then as you said, even simple tests did the same thing.

    Finally, I figured it was a memory glitch.
    I would save as a new iteration, quit and relaunch. Slows down development but seemed to work.

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