My actor disappeared after I swapped out the graphics
Not sure why but my actor only appears as a white box now that I swapped out the graphics.
any advise?? I just tried to post the image but the browse function is not working.
Not sure why but my actor only appears as a white box now that I swapped out the graphics.
any advise?? I just tried to post the image but the browse function is not working.
Hmm, strange, the image embed feature of the forums worked for me.
Is there something different about the second image you imported? Is it a different format (e.g. jpeg instead of png) or a different resolution (e.g. 150 dpi instead of 72 dpi)? Is the transparency different? Does it show up correctly in the image library? Does it show up correctly if added to a different actor?
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Hi, you are probably on PC like myself. I believe updating graphics within a project have never worked as intended on PC - thing is, your actor is still were it is supposed to be, so (asuming you haven't changed the size of the swapped image file) if you scroll through your Actor library, select it and then find your newly updated image in your media library and drag it on to the little actor window where the graphics usually show over the variables (hope you know what I mean), the actor will update in your project and work as intended.
I wish GS would work as well on PC as it does on mac