Help needed with quick test
Hi all,
My game Bullet Jumper is hanging at the intro scene sometimes or the buttons in the main menu are not working on different phones.
Are there any guys who want to do a quick test if the game hangs and if the buttons are working?
If you find anything please tell me what doesnt work and on what phone you tested.
Many thanks!
Ps. if you need help testing with your game I can test on a Samsung s6.
iPhone 6S - iOS 11.4.1, played 10 minutes. Everything works fine
Good luck with your game.
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
Thanks for taking the time to test bro.
Am glad that it worked fine.
IPhone 8 ios 11.4.1 buttons working as expected and showing both banner and interstitial adverts, no hangs.
Thanks Damien for the info and taking time to test.
It seems its Android related since I only saw and heard it happening on android devices. Real bummer.
In that case, grab yourself an android device and test it on that. If the problem exists, do the following:
-Back up your project
-Modify the copied project by deleting all actors that are not needed to make the hero jump
-create a new apk and see if the problem still exists. If it doesn’t then the problem is in one of the deleted actors, make a new copy of the project and delete half the actors, test again. Keep doing this until you find the actor that’s causing an issue. Then finally make a new copy of the project and just turn off the rules one by one again testing new apks each time. This will narrow your bug down and help you understand the issue.
Hope this helps Rob.
Thanks for this way to try to find the bug but its a GS bug Im afraid. Tested it on 2 new s8 devices operating on android 8.0. On 1 device it hung and on the other it worked fine. On a s6 it works fine but on a Galaxy tab A it hangs.
Very nice ey?
Any Android users willing to test?
Would be greatly appreciated!
Hi @Zwire in my game on Android 20% of the time a video reward is going to be shown, the game hangs up. Maybe this is what happens in your game too?
There is no rewarded ad. Its the first scene shown without any ads. Never hang in 6 months time but now all of a sudden it hangs. Must be a GS bug.
tested on iphone 6plus. ads and banner working. in the game over screen, the button is kind of slow to respond and there is no sound
Thanks Emoji for testing. Never noticed that. Will check it out.
Thanks again!
I take it back there is sound. my phone was on silent. sorry about that.
Haha thats good to hear. Am getting crazy with all these little bugs.
And now try to get to level 100