Help for some few things in to game
Hi, I´m new to this product and to the whole making Apps.
I have tried to find answer on the site and YouTube, but can´t find the specific "thing" I have in my mind - Hope you can help me.
I´m trying to make a game where you fight little monsters;
I want to click an image on scene X, which get me to scene Y, where I meet and enemy, (which need to be randomized - So "you" can meet five different enemies, when i click the same image on scene X) Also I want this enemy to have random HP and random DMG (from, lets say, 50 to 85)
Also while I´m asking, might as well write my next question if I succeed the above:
Is it possible to have a Hero (The Player) which has stats, such as Vitality, Strength, Dexterity and so on - Who gains "X" stats per level up.
Has attached my brief photo of my idea
I Know it´s a lot, but thanks beforehand!
Best regards
Your photos isn't attached but to answer your questions, YES, you can do all of those things.
I'd recommend starting with one aspect of the game and working on that and making your question(s) specific to that. For example, if you want to randomize a value, you can use the random() function in the expression editor and do something like this:
Change attribute game.enemyDMG to random(50,85)
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Thank you! As long i know it is possible, I'll continue my work
Another thing - Just wanna know if it's possible.
Can you make a countdown, to gain "token" every (let's say 5min)? - Like in many other games.
So "you" gain tokens 24/7. And can continue your game every time you log in?
Best regards
Yes. has demos and templates that do many things. If you search that site for "countdown" you'll see a couple of options. Keep in mind that if you are new to GameSalad, incorporating an existing demo/template may be very difficult.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Hoping for your help once again tatiang, Tried to download some templates from GSHelper, but can´t get them into GS.
- Tried to google an answer, but found nothing 
Nothing happens when I open them..
Which templates? I'm guessing that most/all of the templates on that site were made on Mac Creator. But my understanding is that Mac projects "just work" on PC Creator. If not, you might try an old method:
Check the comments on that video also for a few suggestions.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Are you still working on this game?