GS Creator Table Issue

NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

Hi guys,

I have a major issue with the online GS creator where it couldn't change attribute to table when it is deployed to mobile. I checked that my table names (used select not typed in), the rows number is not 0, etc. I even tried to change the table names. So none of the newbie mistakes for sure..

It does work 100% alright on the online preview, just not when I deploy it to mobile via Google Play, nor when I use the GS viewer...

Anyone has this issue?




  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited April 2019

    That's a problem with a bunch of possible causes. It sounds like you've already thought through a few of them.

    Things like memory and performance speed are different from device to device (especially desktop vs. mobile). So whereas you might be assuming things happen at a certain time in your app, that can change on a mobile device. Once timing gets off, rules fire at different times, attributes used for row numbers may change properly, etc.

    So you'll need to do a little troubleshooting unless someone else has come across a bug that causes this particular problem.

    For starters, I would try some basic debugging... something like this:

    Display Text game.debugText
    Change Attribute game.debugText to "before"
    Timer After 2 seconds
         Change Table Value
    Change Attribute game.debugText to "after"

    Watch your app. You should see the actor with these rules display "before" and then two seconds later display "after." If you only see the "before" text or you don't see either text, then that can direct you to further debugging to see why those behaviors aren't firing on mobile devices.

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  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    Thank you for your suggestions! I had been scratching my head and going crazy over this..

    My change table attribute is triggered by an actor collision.

    I then tried as simple as change table attribute using another actor (which will fire up for sure) with defined table name, hard typed in row 1, column 1, and change to attribute 10.

    Even that didn't work out.

    And I used an actor to display the table attribute so I will know if any changes to it.

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    Hmm, that all sounds like it should work. You've eliminated a bunch of variables that could be causing the problem.

    Did you see "before" or "after" or both or neither?

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  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    Which version of the tool are you using? I know you're trying to move to the HTML5 creator, so if that's the version you're using, I might need to take a look.

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    Thanks both for your reply. I really love the new GS Creator although I happened to find some possible bugs but I have nowhere to report, maybe I will list them and post here later...

    I am using

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    @tatiang I went as far as to change table name to make it a simple table name, and changed the table column attributes to text, and the change table attribute functions to "functions" and just """ also. Still no changes to mobile but ok on online preview

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    It sounds like you haven't tried what I suggested so I don't having any other ideas but I hope you get it sorted out.

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  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    @tatiang tried before and didn't work. But I just tried it again, and I put a 3 sec and run to completion. :( no luck...

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100
    edited April 2019

    no before nor after were shown. but both shown on the online preview!~

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    @NKBDL said:
    no before nor after were shown. but both shown on the online preview!~

    Okay so that whole section of rule isn't firing. That tells me there's probably nothing wrong with your Table Cell Value behavior but there's a timing issue with your actor(s) and rule(s). So now it's time to add some more Change Attribute game.debugText behaviors throughout your rules to figure out where the hiccup is.

    When I do this, I will make the first expression "1", the next "2" and so on until I have four or five expressions that I can watch for. If there's a delay built-in, you can watch to see what happens during runtime on a mobile device. This whole process is in place of Log Debugging Statements which are so helpful in Creator but can't be viewed on mobile devices.

    Once you have the results, they should narrow down the problem area. For example, if you put in "1" through "5" and you see:


    Then you know 3 never fired and the code stopped after 4 or skipped right past 5.

    If you see:


    Then you know the problem is between #1 and #2 in your rules.

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  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100
    edited April 2019

    Ahh I see you were suggesting testing out my logic not updating the table, in that case it worked ok, just change attribute is ok. Just that i wasn't able to update to the table in anything i tried..

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    My last resort would be going back to the Mac/Pc editor. And upload it again to the online creator

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100
    edited April 2019

    Hi all, tried all but failed. I will try to work around things or revert to the original Mac/PC creator. Thanks for the help.

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100


    I blew it up with the Mac version, and here is what I found. The top being the existing unaltered version. The bottom change table function being the one i dragged from the Mac Creator.

    I did also find other bugs relating to tables I will share later.

    Appreciated if you can help look into this.



  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    Follow up on this, I uploaded my fixed version from my Mac Creator (shown above), then from published projects, imported to the online Creator project library. I run it on preview it looks ok, then I run it on my mobile, the scene doesn't load and shows a black screen.

    FYI @adent42

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    Any updates? I tried to open a new project on the online creator, then made simple change attribute also change table attribute.

    Same results

    On preview, both after 5 seconds are fired and changed attributes

    On mobile, change attribute fired and changed, while change table attribute failed to update

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    Hi there, I urge anyone who can help to help look into the online creator, change table attribute. I loaded my old projects to the online creator, created new projects just to update a new table etc, nothing worked...

    Updating table is very important and is a major issue...


  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    Any update to this issue? Thanks

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    Hi any updates? thanks,

  • NKBDLNKBDL Member, PRO Posts: 100

    I got my reply, so it is a bug after all. It has bothered us for a long long time.

    From @ForumNinja:
    "I was able to reproduce the bug on my end and have written a bug report for the dev-team so they can get it fixed. Thanks for letting us know!

    I believe the issue could be due to the fact that in the web version we changed how table's are referenced (by having them use "tables.[tablename]" instead of "game.[tablename]".

    If you need to work around this for the short term, my suggestion would be to:

    1. Publish the game and download a copy to edit in the downloadable version.
    2. Fill in the change table value behaviors.
    3. Publish the edited game back to your portfolio to use.

    Something like this shouldn't take the devs very long to fix, so hopefully they can get a fix in for you soon!"

    The work around doesn't work as per my test above. But thanks for getting back and getting on the issues. Hopefully we can resume the table parts of our development soon. :) Cheers

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