What does 64-bit requirement mean?
Hey guys, its been a while since I have done any app stuff. So I am updating a clients app and I have a couple questions. I tried uploading to the Google market a new version of my clients app and I get this warning message from google.
"This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement. The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native code: 9.
From August 1, 2019 all releases must be compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement.
Include 64-bit and 32-bit native code in your app. Use the Android App Bundle publishing format to automatically ensure that each device architecture receives only the native code it needs. This avoids increasing the overall size of your app."
What does this mean? How do I fix it?
Also, one more question. What is this new "Build RC" and how do I access RC?
i’d like to know how this affects gs as well, as i got the same message doing an update the other day (and used rc build so that isn’t the issue).
any advice would be great please.
Any solution to this yet?
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I'm getting the same warning message. Would be cool to know what GS will be doing about it