After watching a video give player coins, best practices?
I'm a total newbie with these different ad networks:
- Ad Mob
- Chartboost
- ironSource
- Tapdaq
Which one is the most practical for implementing a feature where user watches a video ad and after watching it receives game coins?
Bump. Was about to ask the same question. Anyone?
New game!: [Snake Rage]
I need to know as well. Frankly, I would like to incorporate this in the main gameplay, so people actually want to click on ads.
My game needs to be designed around ads.
Which of these provides us the flexibility to do so?
ironSource is an ad mediator, so it will allow you to use both Ad Mob and Chartboost at the same time, among others. Ad Mob can mediate itself and Chartboost.
IronSrc gives you the most flexibility, but requires the most extra space in terms of libraries. It's not much extra space, but if you're close to the APK size limit, it might matter.
They all work more or less the same from a designer standpoint, so from a practical perspective, it's down to the size of your game. I'd start with IronSrc and the move off it if you need the extra space.
Is there an apk size limit?
What is it? and is it based on game salad limit or a generic apk limit in the playstore?
Thanks for the answers! I'll do it with Chartboost. I would have done it with ironSource, but it requires 1.25.RC which gives some problems on my app (for instance vibrate crashes the App in Honor 8).
And earning coins by watching a video is done. When Gamesalad works it's just a great feeling!