Errors from Google Play Store

Hello, whilst submitting my app to the Google Store, I got these 2 warnings.

Can you tell me what they mean? I thought the GS system was 64 bit compliant? Thanks.


This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement

The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native code: 2.

From 1 August 2019 all releases must be compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement.

Include 64-bit and 32-bit native code in your app. Use the Android App Bundle publishing format to automatically ensure that each device architecture receives only the native code that it needs. This avoids increasing the overall size of your app. Learn More

2 messages for APK 2

Target API level requirements from August 2019


Your app currently targets API level 26 and must target at least API level 28 to ensure it is built on the latest APIs optimised for security and performance.

From August 2019, new apps must target at least Android 9.0 (API level 28).
From November 2019, app updates must target Android 9.0 (API level 28).


Change your app's target API level.

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