White background images in Phasers HD update

cefarixcefarix Member Posts: 13
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi guys, we've got a major problem here... Our update for Phasers HD (iPad) v1.1 just got approved on the App Store. When we put the update on our iPad, all the background images for the levels are white!

When we tested in the GS Viewer, everything was working FINE.

If some of you guys could test out Phasers HD 1.1 on your iPads and tell us what the results are, that'd be much appreciated. Here are some promo codes:


My friend and I worked really hard on Phasers HD, and to see it all come crashing down with this new update is unbelievable... any help is appreciated. Thanks.


  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Do you have any invisible layers over all your actors? I had the same problem when I put a border that was 768x1024 around the screen. There was supposed to be only a black border around all 4 sides of the screen, but it showed the whole screen as white. I simply removed the extra layer and everything worked fine. Check your layers and see If everything is where it's supposed to be
  • cefarixcefarix Member Posts: 13
    I'm not sure what you mean by invisible layers. We have two layers for every level (scene), one is the background layer, and the other layer contains everything else (player actor, enemy actors, score display, etc). The background layer has the actor which displays the background image, which is showing up as blank white. Everything else is okay. Also, we tested in the GS Viewer, and there everything is showing up just fine, no white backgrounds.
  • JuggerJugger Member, PRO Posts: 238
    pics is tooo large, have the same problem with my game Gosar
    just use the smallest pic :)
  • cefarixcefarix Member Posts: 13
    If the pics are too large, why would it work in the GS Viewer but not when published?
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Because the GS viewer still has many bugs. Have you tried making an ad hoc?
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402

    yes all white and no autorotation (portrait home at bottom only)
  • cefarixcefarix Member Posts: 13
    Thanks for your help everybody. Our background images were 1536 x 2048 (double the iPad screen size). Apparently, this worked fine on the previous version of GameSalad. We've sized them down to 768 x 1024 but kept the actors at 1538 x 2048 and it works okay now.

    Lesson to be learned: Do NOT use GS Viewer for testing your app!!

    Now let's hope Apple approves our update without taking too long...
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