A beginner to OpenURL behaviour

LokitoesLokitoes Member, PRO Posts: 187

Hi all, does anyone know if there is a tutorial out there for using the OpenURL behaviour to share to Facebook and Twitter? Which exports does this currently work for?

I have seen the below posts but these are older and I am struggling to understand how it works.


https://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/comment/453770#Comment_453770 (furthermore the easy way to share wording in this post doesn't seem to be valid anymore)

If I want the OpenURL to point to Facebook sharer, and share my game as a post, what would that URL be? eg. facebook.com/?????

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Also, side question, what browser is 'the embedded browser'?


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,193

    At this time we only support https / mailto. I'll look into adding more options in a future release. You would need to create a redirect to handle it now.

  • LokitoesLokitoes Member, PRO Posts: 187

    @adent42 said:
    At this time we only support https / mailto. I'll look into adding more options in a future release. You would need to create a redirect to handle it now.

    Thanks @adent42 for all your constant hard work!

    Just to clarify, I thought the Facebook share dialogue was https?? then again I don't know if I'm even looking at the right thing at this point. (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/reference/share-dialog)

    Alternatively, could we theoretically take the html5 export of our game and put the Facebook developer Instant Games SKD into it post-export?

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