SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT - April 2020 - Educational Games!
If I can keep up with it, this will be a new monthly segment called:
I'm curious who out there makes educational games? Post your game (video, store link, web link, screenshot, etc!)
Share, brag, SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!
Thanks for this @adent42.
My game 'Colibrium: Zen Colour Matching' teaches kids about colours (colors), shapes and relationships, as well as incorporating mindfulness principles to calm the mind. It's relaxing and fun. 😁 It's also family-friendly with a completely original colour (color)-mixing gameplay mechanic.
App Store:
Play Store:
Technaturally Games - Making joyful memories through games
Something I started a few weeks ago for my 7 year old.
Looks cool! Good work. 😀👍️
EpicMem© - Brain Training memory game
Memory loss isn’t an inevitable consequence of aging. While age can affect memory, particularly in the over 50’s, very few people realise they can do anything about it.
A 2019 World Health Organisation (WHO) report concluded that age-related memory loss was not natural or inevitable consequence of ageing.
EpicMem© is designed by a neuroscientist to train visuo-spatial episodic memory using the well tested and scientifically validated system of paired associated learning (PAL). PAL has been used in memory research for over a century and is also used in neuropsychological tests, and brain-training. This classical memory paradigm involves the pairing of two items, in this case with the help of a cue (cued recall).
Episodic memory is a subtype of memory known to be particularly susceptible to normal aging but also particularly susceptible in pathological conditions associated with memory loss. For example, episodic memory deficits are the first noticeable symptom of early Alzheimer’s Disease. Making training episodic memory is an important focus area for cognitive health.
For references and further info:
ECG Trivia
A medical Quiz game with mean Professor leading you through the Quiz, the App designed for medical professionals ( students, nurses, residents and others )